You Are What You Say!

By : Pastor Jerry Panou

Scripture Reference: 1 Samuel 17:1-51

Sunday, 20th, May, 2018


Words are very powerful and it is through them that everything in the world is made. But many of us do not know this. And even if we do we still inadvertently use them to our disadvantages. Words shape the world; they are what keep the world moving. Words when used inappropriately can cause the destruction of many great things built. It is also through words that battles are won; and by battles we mean spiritual battles. Even physical battles are won first by words too. Whatever we want to become in life is possible first with words. It is possible first with words because our words shape our thoughts and our thoughts then shape our actions. Without anybody continually speaking good things about themselves they will see their lives amount to nothing.

In our anchor verse, we saw our Goliath demoralised all of the soldiers of Israel with his bragging rights (words). Bible recounts that all of these soldiers were sore afraid anytime Goliath spoke. Goliath realising the damage he caused the Israelites anytime he spoke made him to continue to use it to his advantage. It had to take another clap back of words from another little boy in the person of David to also demoralise Goliath to eventually be defeated. Whatever we go through in life can first be addressed with words. It is not a good thing to speak ill of oneself when in difficult situations. We are what we are today because of the words we said about ourselves some time past. Unfortunately, the effects of words are subtle that we seem to not appreciate how important they are when used positively.


  1. Life is a battle of words. Romans 10:17

Life’s a battle of words. In this life if you say nothing you will achieve nothing. Your size doesn’t really matter. What really matters is your words. What you say determines what you get. So learn to use words to your advantage. Don’t coil back into your shells when negative things are said to you.

  1. There’s a spirit behind every word that you speak. John 6:63

When people say negative things about or to you learn to counter it. The component of every word you speak is life and spirit. If you operate with the spirit of Christ every word you speak is also life and spirit. And if you operate with the spirit of the devil every word you speak is death and spirit.

  1. Words can put fear in you.

Bible recounts that whenever Goliath spoke all Israel was sore afraid. It took the heart of a young lad to also return that demoraliser.

  1. Words can put faith in you.

When David spoke back at Goliath, the whole Israel became happy. It is the good things you say to yourself that ignite a strong faith in you. When you always confess negativity you will lack the strength and courage to do things strong people do.

  1. Your success, failure, death or life are in your mouth. Proverbs 6:2

Our words snare or destroy us. What we say can make us either successful or fail. Whatever you want to become in life is already in your mouth. Don’t confess your challenges instead of confessing solutions.


  1. Feed on the right materials. Your words are defined by what you feed on. Matthew 15:7-20
  2. Always say positive things about yourself. Proverbs 18:21
  3. Counter negative words with positive ones. Whatever people say to you that are negative, counter them with positive ones. Don’t shut up when people curse you. Counter it immediately with the word of God. 1 Samuel 17:19-51
  4. Learn to make positive declarations over your life. Try to be your own prophet. Learn to prophesy into your life every day. Champions for this matter are made by words. Psalm 23
  5. Believe in your words. Whatever word that comes from your mouth must come from your heart. If all that come from your mouth are negative words watch what’s on your heart. Proverbs 23:7

In conclusion, it is very necessary you know that whatever you say today is a recipe either for good or untoward things coming to you in the near future. If you confess good things today you’ll reap good things tomorrow. If you confess bad things also today, you’ll reap bad things tomorrow. Learn to use your tongue wisely because in it lies the power to make or unmake yourself.


Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your word today. I confess henceforth that only good things will happen to me and my family. Whatever I touch or do will be blessed. Poverty, shame, disappointment, hurt, barrenness, etc. are a thing of the past in my life right now, in the name of Jesus. Amen.