The Seven I AM Statements of Jesus!

By : Prophet Daniel Kwame Dzikpor

Scripture Reference: John 6:63

Sunday, 13th, May, 2018


The world for many years has had great men who proclaimed their greatness to those who believed and still in them. Some came to say they’re the saviour. Others also came to say they’re the only intermediaries to the Father. However, all these supposed great men are no more. The only name which is still alive is the name Jesus. It is only Jesus whose words have survived the test of time. All others were just fake. It is He who said He’ll die and resurrect on the third day to save mankind from his sins, and He did. Today, we’re going to look at only seven of the ‘I AM’ statements of Jesus.

  1. I am the true vine. John 15:1

Jesus said in John 15:1 that He’s the true vine, His Father is the husbandman and you, His child, are the branch. And as long as you remain connected to Him, you won’t die but bear much fruits. Keep on abiding in the Lord. To abide in Him is to obey His word and do His will. If you’re looking for blessings look for Jesus and stay in Him. He is the only person who gives divine blessings that last.  He is the only one who knows your end from your beginning. Stay in Him if you want to produce much fruits.

  1. I am the bread of life. John 6:35 & 48

Jesus is the bread of life and anyone who comes to Him shall not hunger. Just one word from Him can change your story or situation. He is the life giver; He’ll give you the bread that will sustain you forever. Your spirit man was created from His word and it is that same word that will sustain you. Without the bread of life, you will go through life useless. John 1:1

  1. I am the light of the world. John 8:32

Anyone who follows Jesus shall not walk in darkness because He is the light of the world. And if you follow Him you must also be the light of the world. You should also be able to radiate His light. Darkness of shame, poverty, infertility, impotency, disappointment, unemployment in your life will give way to the light of Jesus when you come and stay in Him. Nobody walks in the light of Jesus and remains the same forever.

  1. I am the gate or door. John 10:7-9

Jesus is the only gate or door. All other doors lead to destruction. There’s no door to life anywhere except Jesus. As long as you’ve entered into this door, everything about you is saved. Your future, marriage, career, business, job, education, etc. are saved. The door of Jesus has so much to give you. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through now. Only if you’ll come to this door, He’s ready to welcome you and change your life for the better.

  1. I am the good shepherd. John 10:11

Jesus is the one who said that He’s the saviour and indeed was crucified on the cross to save mankind from their sins. The good shepherd doesn’t run away from his sheep when there’s an impending danger. He stays to protect them from harm. He isn’t like the hireling who will run. So is Jesus; He protects His children from being harm by their enemies. Come to Him now and have your life protected,

  1. I am the resurrection and the life. John 11:25

Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Whosoever believes in Him though was dead yet shall live. In Jesus nobody dies and every dead thing or situation resurrects when such is found in Him. What is keeping you away from Him? Come to Jesus now and save your life.

  1. I am the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6

The only man who walked on the surface of the earth and proclaimed that He’s the way, the truth and the life is Jesus. This means that every other way is the wrong way. The only way is Jesus. If you want to know the Father, you ought to know Jesus. There are so many myths, theories, discoveries, religions of men who claimed they’re the true God. But Christianity isn’t a religion whatsoever; we are the real way and we carry the real results. We serve the true living God and His name is Jesus. He awaits you even now, please come to Him.

In conclusion, it is clearer that there’s only one way, one truth and one life. That way, that truth and that life is Jesus. All other ways are just sinking sands; they only lead to destruction. You’re on the right path to salvation when you’re in Jesus. Walk in His light today and radiate His glory.


Heavenly Father, I thank You this day for allowing Your son Jesus to die for me. This day I pray that You forgive all my sins and accept me as Your own. Grant me the grace to walk in the light of Jesus now and forever. Amen.