Wisdom Plus
The world places a limitation on the acquisition of wisdom. According to the world for anyone to acquire wisdom he or she must first acquire knowledge. So to the world you can only be wise if you go to school, read books, listen to wisdom nuggets, etc., and this explains the reason man is almost always busy seeking for knowledge in worldly books. But to God, there’s a different angle to acquiring wisdom or becoming wise. Bible makes us understand that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom not the embodiment of wisdom. So how then do we tell what wisdom is?
In Proverbs 11:30, God bluntly said that the wise person is the one who wins souls, and that forms the definition of wisdom. Any Christian who makes soul winning his or her priority is considered a wise person because God has placed in such a person the wisdom to have everything about his or her life advancing. The reason is that it requires a deal of wisdom and skill to win souls. So it isn’t enough to be born again and end there; there’s much work to be done on the field. And such is the work of the soul winner. You can be in Christ and qualify for wisdom but until you share this Jesus whom you’ve believed and accepted as your Lord and personal Saviour to others then you do not have the kind of wisdom proffered in Proverbs 11:30. As Christians God has given us the easiest way to breakthrough in life and that easiest way is the winning of souls. God has done this because He Himself hates to see people perish in the lake of fire the reason He sent His son to come and die to save mankind from their sins. So anybody who takes upon himself the duty to also help God extend His loving-kindness is supported by Him.
- We must win souls so that people will be saved from eternal condemnation. John 3:16 & 17, Hebrews 9:27, Romans 10:8-15. There’s heaven and hell and there’s equally judgment and God wants us to go and tell the world about all these so others will repent from their sins and be saved. You are wise when you help God to save the world from eternal condemnation. And that’s why in heaven we’re given crowns for work done on earth.
- We must win souls so that the church will be filled with people. Luke 14:16-24.
- We must win souls so that we as soul winners will gain wisdom and become the tree of life. Proverbs 11:30, Psalm 37:30. God has packaged wisdom for the righteous person and that wisdom has been locked in soul winning.
- Wisdom gives you protection. Proverbs 7:12, Proverbs 4:6-7.
- Wisdom gives direction. Ecclesiastes 10:10
- Wisdom make you shine forever and ever. Daniel 12:3
- With wisdom you shall build houses and own properties. Proverbs 24:3, Proverbs 14:1.
- With wisdom you shall prosper. Proverbs 16:20, Proverbs 3:13-18.
In conclusion, if you don’t go out to preach the gospel many will die and end up in hell and if you don’t go out to preach also you’re sitting on your own prosperity. Those whose God’s eyes are on them are those who have the work of God at heart.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your word this day. I pray for the love of the ministry because I want to be wise just as Your word says. Grant me the desire to be a soul winner in Jesus Christ name. Amen.