Work In Progress

By : Rev. Elias Tamakloe (Libertyway Chapel)
Scripture Reference: 3 John 1:1-2, Jeremiah 18:1-7, Jeremiah 29:11
Sunday, 6th, May, 2018
Life is full of challenges that many times we’re tempted to give up on the task that lies ahead of us. For some, they even give up on life just when they’re closer to attaining their goals. Don’t continue to beat your chest for the unfortunate happenings in your life. You are not the first to go through difficulties anyway. And you won’t be the last to go through difficulties forever either.
Since the days of old, the Bible recounts a number of men who went through difficulties but became great. In Genesis 6, Noah didn’t receive any financial help from anywhere but he was able to put the greatest ark that ever existed. In Genesis 12, Abraham left his father’s house a pauper but he ended up becoming very rich in gold, cattle and servants. Joseph was sold out into slavery but he became the Prime Minister of a great nation. You must understand that no matter what happens it’s God’s plan that will come to pass, not yours or any other man’s. And you must also understand that it is only the interest of God that you must push, not yours or any other man’s.
No matter where you are that you think it is the devil who has placed you there, you must from now believe also strongly that you will not remain there forever.
Where you are today will not change God’s plan for your life. It may seem longer for that to be realized but it will surely come to pass as long as you believe.
Without holiness your greatness will never come to pass. Righteousness is of a high importance to God because it is through that you can see Him. Therefore take that seriously.
It does not matter how long the prophecy will keep, just know that it will surely manifest.
However, just as you work in progress, know also that there are a specific people who enjoy the blessing of God.
1. The faith-full believer.
2. Those who can exercise patience
3. People who love prayer
4. People who are kingdom promoters. (Matthew 6:33)
In conclusion, you must know that the law of appointed time is greater than the law of faith. Don’t give up on yet. Whatever your hand finds doing, keep on with it until you get to your desired goal.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for this word this day. I pray to ask that You grant me the patience to keep to whatever I find doing. Also, enable me the grace to accomplish all my heart desires, in Jesus name. Amen