The Power To Do

By : Pastor Jerry Panou

Scripture Reference: Luke 1:26

Sunday, 3rd, June, 2018


The life of the Christian is a mystery the world finds it very difficult to grasp. The Christian doesn’t live by the standards of the world, and because of this the world has in place structures that impede the progress of the Christian. But the believer must also understand this and reorient his or her mind to know which power to operate with. As believers what inspires us to do exploits is the power of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is our power to do anything great, not the dictates of the world. As a Christian, you cannot be under the influence of the world and the Holy Ghost at the same time. Without the influence of the Holy Ghost there’ll be no signs and wonders in the life of the Christian. Until you’re anointed by the Holy Ghost there are certain blessings in Christ that you’ll never receive. Not having the Holy Ghost is similar to being in bondage in Christ. It is the Holy Ghost that makes all the difference. It is the Holy Ghost that changes a man’s life. It is the Holy Ghost that makes the standard of the world inferior to the Christian. So if indeed you’re following Jesus Christ then you must necessarily have the Holy Ghost. When you come to Christ the power to do is given to you. Such is the power to overcome the world. And such is the power of the Holy Ghost.


  1. Through service. 2 Kings 3:11

The Holy Ghost dwells so well in the life of a humble servant. It takes the heart of a servant to receive the Holy Ghost. Don’t be too proud to serve. You must at a point of your life look for a genuine man of God and serve him. Elisha was able to do twice what Elijah did because of his services to him.

  1. Focus. 2 Kings 2:1-14

You may serve men of God for many reasons but paramount of them should be about the anointing they carry. Do not lose focus of the power of the Holy Ghost that exists in the man of God. Don’t be carried away about his material blessings; it is the Holy Spirit which makes all the difference and that should be your focus or target.

  1. Books and Tapes. 2 Timothy 4:13

You must constantly read books to have good knowledge of the Holy Ghost. You must read the Bible, Christian books, listen to tapes. Don’t be an ineffective Christian; the ineffective Christian is the one who doesn’t read nor listen to Christian tapes.

  1. You can receive the anointing during preaching. Acts 10:44

The power to do all you want to do is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost comes upon on you during the teaching of the word. Therefore, desire to sit under the teaching of the word of God.

  1. Laying of hands. Acts 19:1-6

You can also receive the Holy Ghost through the laying of hands. When anointed men of God lay their hands on you, the power of the Holy Ghost will come upon you and you also begin to operate in it. So do not undermine the laying of hands by genuine men of God. Apostle Paul after encountering believers who didn’t have the Holy Spirit, he laid his hands on them and suddenly the Holy Spirit came upon them.

In conclusion, you must understand that the power to do in the life of the Christian is the Holy Ghost. It is the Holy Ghost that makes all the difference in the life of the Christian. If you want to succeed in this life all you need is the Holy Ghost.


Heavenly Father I thank You for Your word today. I thank You once again for making it possible for me to do exploits with the power of the Holy Ghost. I humbly ask that you continually grant me the grace to do well by the power of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus Christ name. Amen.