By : Rev. Mrs Eunice Panou

Scripture Reference: John 3:1-23, 1 Corinthians 15:42-44, 1 Timothy 1:15, 2 Corinthians 4:3-4

Monday, 2nd, October, 2017


Our ability to win others to Christ ultimately emanates from our resemblance of Christ. When we become born again, the things of the spirit should become normal to us. Prayers, fasting and other spiritual activities shouldn’t be a surprise to us first and secondly to our neighbors.

A reading of the scripture 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 proves a point that, there’s a natural body and there’s also a spiritual body. A natural body has not accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and personal savior. The natural body operates on human wisdom, desires, etc. The natural man does not read to get the understanding of the Bible. In that regard, he’s not properly equipped with the word of God. But as Christians, it is important we to get to the point where we must learn to overcome the flesh.


1. The spiritual man is born again; of water of and spirit.

2. The spiritual man is led by the Holy Spirit. He is not deceived by any wind of doctrine. Anything and everything he does is informed by the Holy Spirit.

3. The spiritual man is a man of prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

4. The spiritual man studies the word of God always and lives by His principles.

5. The spiritual man produces the fruit of the spirit. He finds no difficulty in showing love, remorse, and sympathy for others.

In conclusion, our God is spirit therefore those who worship Him must do so in spirit and in truth. What this means in other words is that, we cannot worship God if we’re not spiritual beings. And we cannot be spiritual beings when we’re not born again. So primarily today’s sermon is aimed at empowering us to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and personal savior and eschew doing the things that label us as natural beings.

Most gracious Father, we thank you for a new month. We profess our faith and belief in You only, as our Lord and personal savior. And we believe that your death on the cross was to save us from eternal condemnation. Therefore, we humbly ask that you forgive us our sins, accept us as your sons and strengthen us to worship you in spirit. In Jesus Christ name we’ve prayed, amen.