How To Move Your Life Forward- Part Two
One thing you must understand as a Christian is that God is interested in your life advancing. He doesn’t want to see your life stagnating. He doesn’t want to see you at the same place all the time. It is an error to think that He hates your prosperity. He does not. He may only have problem with you if your advancement is at the expense of your faith in Him. In Genesis 12:2-3, he told Abraham, “and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” This promise is extended to you also. The pressures of life are able to hit anyone so hard that they begin to think that’s the end of it all. So often times it’s tempting to blame others and become the least productive manifestation of yourself, focusing in on anger, frustration and anxiety, and that’s how your life become still for the rest of your life if care is not taken. However, there are ways to tap into your hope and overcome the obstacles that make you feel most stuck. Last week, we discussed three ways to move our life forward; we continue with another three ways today too.
- Focus on your God given assignment. John 9:4
With the temptations that hit us daily, one difficult thing to do is to remain focused on everything you do. But for you not to be easily distracted you must strive to achieve a balance by focusing on your God given assignment. You must understand that God has an assignment for everyone, and that includes you. So when you’re able to discover this assignment you must remain focused on it. Don’t be enticed by what others are doing. Perhaps it is their assignments they’re working on, and you must also focus on yours. Tackle your assignment with all your might and intellect. When focusing on your assignment too don’t be driven solely by money.
- Plan your life. Proverbs 16:1
Wouldn’t you prefer a life of advancement rather than a life of endless tasks with little accomplishment? Of course yes! When you carefully set your goals and keep them at the forefront of your mind, you can work smarter instead of longer. You’ll know that a life worth living comes from a life of balance and that balance involves planning. You must always plan something if you want your life to move forward. Ambitious people know that each step toward their goals is not a singular step. The man who doesn’t plan will not see his life move forward. It is only when you plan that you invite God to help you. Don’t do things haphazard; your life must follow a particular course. Don’t just be like anyone. Be different. See when it comes to planning your life, you have every right to be selfish. Don’t get distracted by what others will say about you. It is your life and you must do everything good to have it move forward.
- Start small. Job 8:7
One greatest challenge affecting most humans is the fear of failure. As a Christian you must overcome this challenge no matter what. You cannot see your life advanced if you’re afraid to start small. Successful people start small. They become more with less. Don’t wait until you’re ready. Start small and start now. You must start from where you are, with what you have in your hands and work your way to the top. Whatever you have in your hands is what God will look at and use to bless you or make you great. You must be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. Think big but start small to arrive at wherever you’ve envisaged to be.
In conclusion, people who are willing to see their lives advanced do not sit down idle doing nothing. They focus on the assignment God has given them; plan their lives with directed steps towards achieving their goal and they also start with whatever they’ve no matter how small.
Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your infallible word of power that transforms lives. I pray that by the knowledge of this word my life will move forward. I declare that henceforth my relationship, marriage, business, career, business, education and everything that concerns me will prosper, in Jesus Christ name. Amen