By : Pastor Jerry Panou

Scripture Reference: Psalms 138:8, Ephesians 1:11-12, Isaiah 46:10-11

Sunday, 11th, December, 2016


The only person who achieves nothing in life is the one without a goal/plan. If you don’t know what to achieve you’ll achieve nothing. A person who has a plan cannot be stopped even by a spiritual intervention (see, Psalms 138:8, Ephesians 1:11-12, Isaiah 46:10-11).

A decision is the ability to be committed to a particular course of action. The only way you can succeed depends on the action you take everyday. We’re too much of talkers than doers. If you imagine and you are not committed to your actions, you would still fail. Your imagination is as powerful as the things you’re committed to. Until you’re committed to something you’ve not made a decision. Whatever you want to do in the future, the steps that you’ll take are what will guarantee. Writing down a plan is not a guarantee that you’ll succeed. Faith without works is dead.


1. Do you know where you want to go? Are you sure you know where you want to go? No man can make you and never be afraid of any man.
2. Do you know what you want to achieve? It is one thing knowing where you want to go and it’s another thing knowing what you want to achieve.
3. Did you take a course to take you to your dream?
4. Do you know the desires of your heart?
5. Are you still on the course you set for yourself?
6. Is the course you’re already on taking you to your destiny?
7. Are the things you’re doing taking you to your dream?
8. Have you been deterred or distracted from your course?
9. Are you satisfied with the course you are on?

Isaiah 26:3-5. You must keep your mind focused and stayed on God because it’s with your mind that you plan. Psalm 27:4, Proverbs 16:9- Don’t ask God to guide you if you don’t know where you’re going.

Three Reasons Why You Must Change Your Course In Life

1. God designs and provides keys and laws to change and keep us on course.

2. Every new year provides us with the opportunity to review, to renew and to refocus our course. You must not let your mind sleep; when you do you’ll be poor! Rather use your mind to find solutions to your problems. It’s not always the case for new year, new plans. When you fail to achieve a plan set, review and renew it.

3. It’s because until you take the courage to change the course of your own life, crises will do that for you. Why do you want to be attacked by a disease before you go on your knees to pray? Take that strong decision to prosper. Dare to be different.


1. Before an airplane sets off, the pilot must decide his or her destination. He/she must communicate his/her destination with the tower. Until you do that, you cannot be allowed to set off.

2. You must file your flight plan, submit it to the authorities the routes to take and how you intend to get to your destination.

3. The pilot monitors the flight plan with constant communication with the tower. You must depend on the tower because at every point in time, the pilot doesn’t know where he is but the tower. You must therefore be in constant communication with God.

In conclusion, it’s good to have a plan for your life. However, when you’re not committed to a particular course of action, then you’ve no plan. Always be in constant touch with your tower (God). Otherwise, you may lose your way.

Heavenly Father we humbly ask for your utmost guidance and help as we plan our ways in Jesus Christ name, amen.