By : Prophet Daniel Kwame Dzikpor

Scripture Reference: Proverbs 14:20, Psalm 24:1, Luke 18:11, Mark 10:25

Sunday, 2nd, July, 2017


One bitter truth about giving your life to Christ is that, the moment you become born again you invite the enemy (devil) into your life. The devil and his cohorts take upon themselves the challenge to throw missiles your way.One of such missiles is opening demonic gates in your life.

A demonic gate is a satanic opening in one’s life that the enemy uses to block God’s blessings in one’s life. Demonic gates empower and seek to dominate one’s life into destruction.

Our gates are supposed to be open continually in the realm of the spirit so as to receive the full blessings of God. Our God is a god of progress. He doesn’t want to see His children retrogressing. He expects His children to enjoy the fullness of Christ when they come to Him. When your life isn’t progressing, then it means a demonic gate has been opened in your life.

1. When demonic gates are placed in your life, you must rise up in the power of God to challenge and defeat them because the promise of God is that the gate of hell will not prevent His blessings from entering into the lives of His children.

You do not complain when dealing with demonic gates. The enemy does not understand the language of pleading or negotiation but he understands that of force—and that comes with prayer and fasting. Get upset about your situation and pray and fast. Because when you pray and fast, things happen; things change. You become cold when you don’t pray and fast. Matthew 17:21

2. Another way you can deal with demonic gates is through praise and worship. Praising and worshipping God isn’t just for God’s benefits, it’s for yours. Praise and worship offer you more benefits that it would offer God. Mind you, He’s got several thousands of angels who minister to Him every now and then. However, somehow surprising, He still wants us to devote a time of our lives in praising and worshipping Him. Now anytime we praise and worship God, especially when we’re in a bad mood, the atmosphere around us changes. When Paul and Silas were in prison, they praised God and an earthquake freed them. This means that anytime we also praise, chains fall off our feet and hands, yokes are broken in our lives, curses are lifted and demonic gates are shut up. Acts 16:25-26.

3. We deal with demonic gates through angelic assistance/ministrations. Make it a point to hold the intention of connection, by praying persistently, with angels in order to understand guidance with respect to your life. By holding this intention you give our angels permission to intervene and assist us in our daily dealings with life. Daniel 10:12-14.

4. We can deal with demonic gates through the practice of sacrifice. When things are not working the way you expect they should, that’s the same time you should make sacrifices of your resources—finances, time, efforts, etc. for the Lord. When you sacrifice, you open the windows of heaven and no man or spirit can shut it. When you sacrifice, you’re shifting things in the realms of the spirit.

5. We also deal with demonic gates through the knowledge of the word of God. God’s word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. When we read and heed the Lord’s instructions, He will show us where to go, what to say, and how to make decisions. His word also reveals when we’re heading the wrong direction and warns us of the consequences of continuing down that path. When we’re not knowledgeable of God’s word, it means we’re in bondage. Reading His word makes a leader—and by consistently getting imbibed with His word, no circumstance can triumph over us.

Heavenly Father, shut every demonic gate that has been opened in our lives. Grant us the courage to always watch and pray so we do not allow the enemy access to our lives. In Jesus Christ name, we’ve prayed. Amen.