The Power of Prayer

By : Pastor Jerry Panou

Scripture Reference: 2 Kings 20:1-11, 1 Samuel 1:1-28, 2 Chronicles 7:14, James 5:16

Sunday, 1st, October, 2017


We crown our power series today with the above title- the power of prayer. Over the past few weeks we’ve brought you some wonderful power series—the power of courage, the power of choice, the power of thought and then today’s.

It is important for you to note that the power of prayer like the others also remains one of the most powerful and costless tools that everyone would need to journey through this life with ease. As a matter of fact, there isn’t great man ever recorded in the bible who didn’t resort to the power of prayer in both good and hard times. We all want to have our prayers answered but we fail to accept and understand the demands it comes with. In our anchor verses, it is clear to note that both Hannah and Hezekiah had good standing before God- the reason He came through for them and answered their prayers swiftly.

One thing we mustn’t forget is that, the prayer of the righteous man avails much. God answers our prayers when we’ve respect for the priest He’s set in our lives and also when we’ve respect for holy things. Whenever we live righteous lives and go to God in fervent prayer it makes many things available to us and it makes God answer us swiftly. It is also important you know that unrighteousness weakens the power of prayer. If you want to become prayerful, the least you can become is a righteous person, because that’s key in causing God to answer your prayers. In 2 Kings 20:2-3, King Hezekiah beseeched God and asked Him to remember how he has walked before Him in truth and with a perfect heart and the good things he has done before Him; and same could be said about Hannah in 2 Samuel 1:1-28. It is established from these two verses that both Hezekiah and Hannah were righteous and could refer God about their righteousness, and God in turn also respected them because of their righteousness, and the prayer they made with sincere tears. Beloved, if you desire God to answer your prayers, you have no option than to live a righteous life.


1. He’ll heal everything that concerns you. God takes care of your sicknesses when you turn to Him in prayer. There’s nothing that prayer cannot do. Anytime you’re attacked by any sickness, live a righteous life and turn to God in prayer rather than talking to men. You should know that the devil isn’t sleeping at all; he seeks whom to devour every passing minute. So to overcome his tactics, make sure you always have enough prayers in your prayer vault. When you’re not praying then it means you’ve no faith in God because prayer itself is an expression of faith in God.

2. He’ll bring you upward. You cannot become great in the kingdom of God if you don’t pray. Prayer is a major weapon in the hands of the believer. You will not get out of your misery if you don’t discipline yourself to pray. The three-square meal for every Christian is the word of God, prayer and fasting. If you’re prayerful, demons recognize your voice in the realm of the spirit. Funnily, demons do not recognize your voice when you have Jesus Christ; but they do depending on what you use the name Jesus for. So when you’re not praying, you’re making your spirit become weaker and weaker by the day.
3. He’ll give you extra time. It takes prayer to cause God to turn things around for you especially when everyone else has given up on you. God prolongs the life of the prayerful Christian. As a matter of fact, prayer boosts a person’s confidence and promotes their health status too.

4. God will deal with the cause of your crises. Beloved, if you can turn to God in prayer, He’ll not only address your current problem but also address the root cause of it. He did it for King Hezekiah when He healed him of his sickness and the root cause of it. Prayer addresses problems from the root and not from the surface.

In conclusion, prayer is not for the lazy. Because the lazy cannot walk with God. Walking with God is hard work and the results will show in the examination of life.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the word. I pray that you fill in me the spirit of power. Give me the strength to be discipline and become a prayerful Christian, in Jesus Christ name. Amen.