Remembrance is the act or process of remembering an event in the past. And to remember is to have or keep an image in your memory of an event, a person, a place, etc from the past. Ecclesiastics 12:1. As children of God, there are countless good things God has blessed us with- from the breath of life down to our ability to go out and come in without any impediments. And we need to recognize the good things He does for us daily and remember to offer thanks and praises to Him. Why? Because God loves people who remember to give thanks to Him (Lamentations 3:20). It takes humility for a man to remember what God has done for him because in these tumultuous times, man’s tendency to be ungrateful is very high. It is thus very important to remember where God picked you up from and where He has placed you.
1. You need to remember Him because He is God. From the foundation of the world, nobody created Him but Himself. He’s the self-existing God. He created everything in the world which includes you, all by Himself and you need to remember Him for that. Psalm 100:1-3, 1 Chronicles 29:11.
2. You need to remember Him because He died to save to you (John 3:16). We deserved to die a shameful death in our sins but God sent His son to die in our place.
3. You need to remember Him because He has saved you and has forgiven you your sins. 2 Corinthians 5:17, John 1:9, and Psalm 103:3.
4. You need to remember Him because He has delivered you from hell or from the kingdom of darkness. Colossians 1:13. The biggest miracle to happen to a man is the gift of salvation.
5. You need to remember Him because He has given you life, the divine life (John 1:4). As a Christian, you’re not ordinary. With the kind of life God has given you, you don’t die. You’ll only transit from this world to the other world.
6. You must remember God because for your sake He became poor so that you may become rich. And you need to do is walk and operate in it. Deuteronomy 8:18. People who don’t remember, don’t last. If you want to live long and make an impact, you must be in remembrance.
7. You need to remember God because He brought you from the land of bondage. Exodus 20:2, and Deuteronomy 6:12.
8. You need to remember Him because He has made us Kings and Queens and priests at the same time. Revelation 1:6., Revelation 5:10.
9. You must remember the Lord because He has chosen you. In the midst of many, God picked you. He wants to make your life better. He has made you holy, a royal priesthood, a peculiar person. 1 Peter 2:9, and John 15:16.
10. You need to remember God because you don’t own your life. It is God who created us and breathed life into us. It is He who owns us, not us. We must remember this and thank God for that. I Romans 14:7,
1a. Through reasonable service by living a holy life. God is interested in the way you live your life than anything. Romans 12:1.
1b. Keep your new status/position. Remain where God has placed you. Don’t go back to where He picked you up from. 1 Corinthians 6:19.
2. Through our tithes, offerings, vows and special seeds (Deuteronomy 8:18, Malachi 3:10). The more God blesses us, the more He expects us to be faithful. It is not in the amount though but in the heart and the principle.
3. Remember somebody who has been good to you before by finding several avenues to thank them. Serve them anytime the need be. Pray for them secretly, visit them, buy gifts for them, sow seeds into their lives, do good to their family members, defend them and speak well about them when you hear people say negative things about them.
Remembrance is very important and very necessary in the life of every Christian. The Lord day in day out blesses us and we must not forget to give thanks to Him.
Heavenly Father we thank you for your infallible word. We humbly ask that You grant us the spirit of remembrance in all our ways and dealings. In Jesus Christ name we’ve prayed. Amen.