7 Characteristics of the wisdom of heaven. 1. It’s first pure
- It’s peaceable
- It’s gentle
- It’s easy to be entreated
- It’s full of mercy
- It produces good fruits
- It’s without partiality
- It’s without hypocrisy (James 3:17)
Wow… These are virtues every believer would love to have and we get it for free just by the wisdom of heaven. Without the wisdom of heaven, we will be taking decisions that are not in line with the will of God for us. Whenever you take a decision that’s not in God’s will for your life, your effort and resources are wasted because “many are the plans in the heart of man but it’s only the counsel of God that shall prevail”. (Proverbs 19:21). For man to succeed in the eye of God, your plans must meet His plan for your life and it takes the wisdom of heaven to know what God’s plan is.
I want you to pray for two things today;
- Pray for the wisdom of heaven.
- Pray that your decisions will be in line with the will of God for your life, family, business, career etc.
I pray for you that the wisdom of God will set you apart for greater works in Jesus name. Amen.
Expect a miracle today in Jesus name.