Kingdom Conference 2021

Wednesday, 16th, June, 2021

6:00 pm

Odorkor Official Town Market, Accra


Kingdom Conference is a word-based conference. Four days of pure word teachings. It’s designed to bring clarity to some topical issues within the Kingdom of God. It’s strictly Kingdom Matters.

By the special grace of God, we get to host one of the finest ministers of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in our generation who is also a father in the faith. Rev. Albert Ocran is one of the speakers for this year’s conference.

Pastor Maxwell E. Ogaga who is our regular speaker since the inception of this conference will also be ministering to us all the way from Nigeria.

Friends, you have no excuse not to be present at this conference.

This year’s theme is one that will clear a lot of doubts and set our hearts on fire for God.

Be my guest. See flyer for details.

Disciple Nations Church